The Kun Zone Server Open!

⭐Welcome community! 🍺

▶ This is the new Discord Server: The Kun Zone

I'm yet working on publishing this new server for open access to Amirian Curse's public release and support.

There is yet a health issue I need to fix these months, so things will run slower than expected, but as soon as I can I would love to complete all these contents and new threads to people to join in and enjoy the updates, solve question and point to game bugs and suggestions.

I will come around from time to time to improve the server outline and add some previews 😉

Take your time to explore.

Not even the server rules are ready, but be sure to read them to get your role, and stay in the server, so you can choose next which projects are you interested in, including:

  • Amirian Curse Public Release
  • Obsidian Lust Pilot project on Patreon
  • Alice's Tickle Games
  • Other potential side projects I want o bring on some day

As always, there is the option for you to help me keeping tall these contents on and working to improve and add more of them, animations, games and mini-games, and explore further options on our workshops.

So feel free to join my Patreon Page whenever you like 😉

And check out my other public galleries on Deviant Art and Pixiv

💚Thanks a world for your support

I am yet passing through challenging times, but I plan to come back stronger and ready to make more and more as soon as I can 💪🏼

Take care, eat natural healthy food, and learn emotional intelligence. We are all here to grow this world! 🌎

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Здравствуйте извините пожалуйста за беспокойство хотел узнать а в вашей игре управление происходит только мышкой или  мышкой или клавиатурой?

А то просто в дэмо управление было мышкой а в эй пиратской клавиатурой

you can use keyboard and mouse. I'm still testing it with smartphone too (tapping).

А ясненько а как переключить на мышь чтобы неиспользовать клавиатуру?

Просто мне удобнее использовать мышку

you can use both mouse and keyboard, if you use the mouse, you should just move around with the mouse.
You will need the keyboard for some actions such as the action gauge which is important to progress in few riddles and mini-games

Здравствуйте ясненько огромное спасибо за информацию я просто думал что можно совершать все действия мыкой как в дэмо версии

Здравствуйте извините пожалуйста за беспокойство а что вас натолкнуло на создание игр про щекотку?

you're not bothering at all xD

But I must admit never considered this question lol.

I guess I started filling in everything what I am ^^

Maybe that's how people create stuff after all, combining individual interests and skills