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А у вас будут бесплатные игры?

Просто я живу в России и немогу покупать платные игры 

yes, that's my purpose, amirian introduces lots of OCs and I had a lot of work with the game, still is a pilot project and I'd love to publish a spinoff with another character, a new demo and it's source project, and more interactive tickling games, many of them free and web based if possible.

Здравствуйте рад это слышать  а извините за вопрос а  примерно  когда ждать новых игр?

I may publish new updates for the other games from Q4 this year among other stuff I want to try for 2025 over new engines.

That depends on my time, I'm recovering from a health issue and I've got a lot of work delayed.
We are now working back on Amirian Curse as the main project, but I pretend to resume Obsidian Lust from October, and continue with the free interactive tickle mini-games from next month too (I'm actually working back on new contents for such games).

Круто желаю вам  как можно лучше восстановиться после болезни  и успехов в вашей работе и самое главное счастья 

😊Thank you very much!
Best wishes for you too :D

А ещё один вопрос а  как восстановить здоровье без  специального зелья в вашей второй игре?

А то я играю в дэмо версию и застрял на первой главе так как несмог победить пчелу

do you mean Amirian Curse demo? 🤔 You can craft potions too!
Just get some Aloe and you can craft healing potions in the campsite fire under crafting menu.

hi everything is cool but please add the sound of the characters

can't you hear their laughs? 🤔

strange, they sound fine here, may you try to reload the game? or pressing F5?

I'll check it out soon, I  need to work on this set again in few days for halloween's set.

У же перезагрузил все заработало

glad it was fixed after restart the game :D